Monday, October 12, 2009
While some activities are tested in relation to their ability to stimulate the growth of strong bones, runs scored results three times higher compared with walking and other exercises. Meanwhile, up the stairs and exercises with an exercise bike, almost no impact on anything.
But that does not mean we should leave the gym to walk and chose to run with reason to worry we will weaken bones, says Charles Milgrom, MD, associate professor of orthopedics from the Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem. "Insert ran for 60 seconds in the middle of our walk program, is sufficient to signal the bones to increase bone mass, added Charles.
We do need to "forge" our bones harder, suggested Robert Marcus, MD, director of the aging study unit at Stanford University Medical School. So, if we do not move your body start to step on our feet for walking. As we've become accustomed to running, insert the program also ran 60 seconds. If still seems difficult, begin by running for 10 seconds first, which then continued with the improvement bit by bit. With this strategy, we can feel the bone response better, Dr.Marcus added.
Hate running? We can choose other training alternatives, such as jumping, slapping his hand into the air, tennis, tai chi or aerobics that has a greater impact and provide variety in our regular program. The exercises were also able to make muscles stronger and maintain a better balance, so that we can prevent injury and reduce the risk of bone fractures.
Or want to try suggestions from Dr.Milgrom? Enough to vary our walking program with zig-zag method, or walk forward and suddenly step backwards feet. Because of these sudden changes that can help our bones become stronger. And to make our practice to get perfect results, always accompanied the exercise by consuming foods that have a high calcium content as hormone replacement therapy at menopause.
Label: Dokter Care